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الموضوع: الله لطيف بعباده.. عبادة الشكوى وماذا يخبئ لنا القدر!

  1. #1
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2018

    افتراضي الله لطيف بعباده.. عبادة الشكوى وماذا يخبئ لنا القدر!

    الله لطيف بعباده.. عبادة الشكوى وماذا يخبئ لنا القدر!
    حسن عبدالحي

    الحمد لله مولانا، والصلاة والسلام على مُصطَفانا.

    الله لطيف بعباده:
    قال الله - تعالى -: ﴿ لاَ تُدْرِكُهُ الْأَبْصَارُ وَهُوَ يُدْرِكُ الأَبْصَارَ وَهُوَ اللَّطِيفُ الْخَبِيرُ ﴾ [الأنعام: 103]، وقال - تعالى -: ﴿ أَلاَ يَعْلَمُ مَنْ خَلَقَ وَهُوَ اللَّطِيفُ الْخَبِيرُ ﴾ [الملك: 14]، وقال - تعالى -: ﴿ إِنَّ رَبِّي لَطِيفٌ لِمَا يَشَاءُ إِنَّهُ هُوَ الْعَلِيمُ الْحَكِيمُ ﴾ [يوسف: 100].

    قيل: اللطيف هو: البرُّ بعباده، الذي يَلطُف بهم من حيث لا يعلمون، ويُسبِّب لهم مصالحهم من حيث لا يحتَسِبون.
    وقيل: اللطيف هو: الذي يوصل إليك أَرَبَك - أي: حاجتك - في رفق.

    مظاهر لطف الله بعباده:
    ومن مظاهر لطفه - تعالى -:
    لطفه بأوليائه حتى عرفوه، ولطفه بأعدائه لما جحدوه.
    لطفه بنشر المناقب، ولطفه بستر المثالب.
    لطفه بقبول القليل، وبذل الجزيل.
    لطفه برحمة مَن لا يرحم نفسه.

    رؤية اللطف:
    ولا يرى لطفَ الله به إلا مَن أحسنَ النظرَ إلى حكمته وما قدَّره - تعالى - قال - صلَّى الله عليه وسلَّم -: ((والذي نفسي بيده، لا يقضي الله لمؤمنٍ قضاءً إلا كان خيرًا له))؛ رواه أحمد وصحَّحه الألباني، ولفظه عند مسلم: ((عجبًا لأمر المؤمن، إن أمره كله له خير)).

    شيخ الإسلام ورؤية اللطف:
    قال شيخ الإسلام - رحمه الله تعالى -: كلُّ مَن وافَق الرسول - صلَّى الله عليه وسلَّم - في أمره فله نصيب من قوله: ﴿ لاَ تَحْزَنْ إِنَّ اللهَ مَعَنَا ﴾ [التوبة: 40]؛ فإن المعيَّة المتضمِّنة للنصر هي لما جاء به إلى يوم القيامة، وهذا قد دَلَّ عليه القرآنُ، وقد رأينا من ذلك وجرَّبْنا ما يطول وصفُه؛ ا.هـ.

    وهذا الكلام كان قد ضمَّنه - رحمه الله - رسالته إلى أصحابه من السجن بالإسكندرية! وقد افتَتَحها بقوله: "فإني - والله العظيم الذي لا إله إلا هو - في نِعَمٍ من الله ما رأيتُ مثلها في عمري كله، وقد فتح الله - سبحانه وتعالى - من أبواب فضله ونعمته، وخزائن جُودِه ورحمته ما لم يكن بالبال، ولا يدور في الخيال، هذا، ويَعرِف بعضَها بالذوق مَن له نصيبٌ في معرفة الله وتوحيده وحقائق الإيمان، وما هو مطلوبٌ من الأوَّلين والآخِرين من العلم والإيمان، فإنَّ اللذَّة والفرحة والسرور وطيب الوقت والنعيم الذي لا يمكنُ التعبيرُ عنه، إنما هو في معرفة الله - سبحانه وتعالى - وتوحيده والإيمان به، وانفِتاح الحقائق الإيمانية والمعارف القرآنية، وقد قال بعض الشيوخ: "لقد كنت في حالٍ أقول فيها: إن كان أهلُ الجنة في هذه الحال إنهم لفي عيش طيِّب"، وقال آخر: "لتمرُّ على القلب أوقات يرقص فيها طرَبًا، وليس في الدنيا ما يُشبِه نعيم الآخرة، إلا نعيم الإيمان والمعرفة"؛ ولهذا كان النبي - صلَّى الله عليه وسلَّم - يقول: ((أرِحْنا بالصلاة يا بلال))، ولا يقول: أرِحْنا منها، كما يقول مَن تَثقُل عليه الصلاة؛ كما قال - تعالى -: ﴿ وَإِنَّهَا لَكَبِيرَةٌ إِلاَّ عَلَى الْخَاشِعِينَ ﴾ [البقرة: 45] والخشوع: الخضوع لله - تعالى - والسُّكون والطُّمأنينة إليه بالقلب والجوارح، وكان النبي - صلَّى الله عليه وسلَّم - يقول: ((حُبِّب إليَّ من دنياكم النساء والطيب))، ثم يقول: ((وجُعِلَتْ قرَّة عيني في الصلاة))... إلى أن قال - رحمه الله -: وليس للقلوب سرور ولا لذَّة تامَّة إلا في محبَّة الله والتقرُّب إليه بما يحبُّه، ولا تكون محبَّته إلا بالإعراض عن كلِّ محبوب سِواه، وهذا حقيقة لا إله إلا الله، وهي ملَّة إبراهيم الخليل - عليه السلام - وسائر الأنبياء والمرسلين - صلاة الله عليهم أجمعين"؛ ا.هـ (انظر: رسائل شيخ الإسلام في مجموع الفتاوى).

    وقال عنه تلميذُه ابن القيِّم - رحمه الله تعالى - في "الوابل الصيِّب": سمعتُ شيخ الإسلام ابن تيميَّة - قدَّس الله روحه - يقول: إنَّ في الدنيا جنَّةً مَن لم يدخلها لم يدخل جنَّة الآخرة، وقال لي مرَّة: ما يصنع أعدائي بي؟ أنا جنَّتي وبستاني في صدري، إنْ رحتُ فهي معي لا تُفارِقني، إنَّ حبسي خلوة، وقتلي شهادة، وإخراجي من بلدي سياحة، وكان يقول في محبسه في القلعة: لو بذلتُ ملء هذه القلعة ذهبًا ما عدل عندي شكرَ هذه النعمة، أو قال: ما جزيتهم على ما تَسبَّبوا لي فيه من الخير، ونحو هذا، وكان يقول في سجوده وهو محبوس: اللهمَّ أعنِّي على ذكرك وشكرك وحسن عبادتك، ما شاء الله، وقال لي مرَّة: المحبوس مَن حبَسَه قلبُه عن ربِّه - تعالى - والمأسور مَن أسَرَه هواه، ولَمَّا دخل إلى القلعة وصار داخل سورها نظر إليه وقال: ﴿ فَضُرِبَ بَيْنَهُمْ بِسُورٍ لَهُ بَابٌ بَاطِنُهُ فِيهِ الرَّحْمَةُ وَظَاهِرُهُ مِنْ قِبَلِهِ الْعَذَابُ ﴾ [الحديد: 13]، وعلمَ اللهُ ما رأيتُ أحدًا أطيب عيشًا منه قطُّ، مع كلِّ ما كان فيه من ضِيق العيش وخلاف الرفاهِيَة والنَّعِيم؛ بل ضدها، ومع ما كان فيه من التهديد والإرهاق، وهو مع ذلك من أطيب الناس عيشًا، وأشرحهم صدرًا، وأقواهم قلبًا، وأسرُّهم نفسًا، تَلُوح نضرةُ النعيم على وجهه، وكُنَّا إذا اشتَدَّ بنا الخوفُ وساءَتْ مِنَّا الظنون، وضاقَتْ بنا الأرض، أتيناه، فما هو إلا أن نراه ونسمع كلامه، فيذهب ذلك كله، ويَنقَلِب انشراحًا وقوَّة، ويقينًا وطمأنينة، فسبحان مَن أشهد عباده جنَّته قبل لقائه، وفتح لهم أبوابها في دار العمل، فآتاهم من روحها ونسيمها وطيبها ما استفرغ قُواهم لطلبها والمسابَقة إليها.

    وكان بعض العارِفين يقول: "لو علم الملوك وأبناء الملوك ما نحن فيه (من السعادة) لَجَالَدُونا عليها بالسُّيوف"، وقال آخر: "مساكين أهل الدنيا خرجوا منها وما ذاقوا أطيبَ ما فيها، قيل: وما أطيب ما فيها؟ قال: محبَّة الله ومعرفته وذكره، أو نحو هذا"؛ ا.هـ.
    لله دَرُّهم، وعليه أجرهم.

    عبادة الشكوى بين الهجر والتقصير:
    نعم، فالشكوى إلى الله - عزَّ وجلَّ - عبادة المبتلَيْنَ المكروبين، البائِسين المحزونين؛ قال الله - عزَّ وجلَّ - على لسان نبيِّه يعقوب - عليه السلام -: ﴿ إِنَّمَا أَشْكُو بَثِّي وَحُزْنِي إِلَى اللهِ ﴾ [يوسف: 86]، وقال عن نبيِّه موسى - عليه السلام -: ﴿ رَبِّ إِنِّي لِمَا أَنْزَلْتَ إِلَيَّ مِنْ خَيْرٍ فَقِيرٌ ﴾ [القصص: 24]، وقال عن نوح - عليه السلام -: ﴿ رَبِّ إِنِّي دَعَوْتُ قَوْمِي لَيْلاً وَنَهَارًا ﴾ [نوح: 5]، وقال عن أيوب - عليه السلام -: ﴿ أَنِّي مَسَّنِيَ الضُّرُّ وَأَنْتَ أَرْحَمُ الرَّاحِمِينَ ﴾ [الأنبياء: 83]، وقال سيِّد ولد آدم يوم القيامة - صلَّى الله عليه وسلَّم -: ((اللهمَّ إليك أشكو ضعف قوَّتي، وقلَّة حيلتي، وهواني على الناس...))؛ (رواه الطبراني، وضعَّفه الألباني، وقال ابن القيِّم: عليه نور النبوَّة).

    قال ابن القيِّم - رحمه الله - في كتابه "عُدَّة الصابرين": فالشكوى إليه - سبحانه - لا تُنافِي الصبر الجميل، بل إعْراض عبده عن الشكوى إلى غيره جملة، وجعْل الشكوى إليه وحدَه هو الصبر، والله - تعالى - يبتَلِي عبده ليسمع شكواه وتضرُّعَه ودعاءَه، وقد ذَمَّ - سبحانه - مَن لم يتضرَّع إليه، وهو - تعالى - يَمقُت مَن يَشكُوه إلى خلقه، ويحبُّ مَن يشكو ما به إليه، وقيل لبعضهم: كيف تشتَكِي إليه ما ليس يخفى عليه؟ فقال: ربي يرضى ذُلَّ العبد إليه؛ ا.هـ.

    ماذا يخبِّئ لنا القدر؟
    هذا ولد، وهذا مرض، وهذا مات، وماذا يخبِّئ لنا القدر؟ إنَّني كلَّما تدبَّرتُ هذا السؤال، هان عليَّ الكثير، وازددتُ فقرًا على فقري، وقد قرَّره النبي - صلَّى الله عليه وسلَّم - بقوله: ((إني رسول الله ولا أدري ما يُفعَل بي - أو قال: ما يفعل الله بي!)).

    يا ألله! رسول الله - صلَّى الله عليه وسلَّم - لا يخرجُ من فِيه إلا الصدق، ويقول: ((لا أدري))، ومع ذلك - وعلى استحياء - إنَّا لنرجو الخير ونُحسِن الظنَّ بالربِّ القائل: ((أنا عند ظنِّ عبدي بي...))، ربٌّ أدخل الجنةَ بَغِيًّا سقتْ كلبًا، ربٌّ يَرضَى من عبده أن يأكُل الأكلة فيشكره عليها، ويشرب الشربة فيشكره عليها، أليس هذا يسلينا؟ ولِمَ لا؟ ونحن نحبُّه، ونَسِير على نهج نبيِّه، ونسعى لإعلاء كلمته، كلمات أردتُ أن أسلِّي نفسي بها وإيَّاك في زمان الصبر، هكذا سمَّاها رسول الله - صلَّى الله عليه وسلَّم - في قوله: ((إن من ورائكم زمان صبر، للمُتمسِّك فيه أجر خمسين شهيدًا منكم))؛ (رواه الطبراني، وصحَّحه الألباني).

    نعم، هو زمان القبض على الجمر وتمنِّي الموت.

    ربَّنا لك الحمد كله.
    ربَّنا إنَّا ظلمنا أنفسنا ظلمًا كثيرًا عظيمًا، وإنَّه لا يغفرُ الذنوبَ إلا أنت، ربَّنا اغفر لنا مغفرةً من عندك، وارحمنا إنَّك أنت الغفور الرحيم، ربَّنا آتِنا من لدنك رحمة، وهيِّئ لنا من أمرنا رشدًا، اللهمَّ يا وليَّ الإسلام وأهله مَسِّكنا بالإسلام حتى نلقاك، ربَّنا اربط على قلوبنا وتوفَّنا مسلمين، آمين، آمين، آمين.

    وصلَّى الله على المبعوث رحمةً للعالمين، نبيِّنا محمد، وعلى آله وصحبه، ومَن تَبِعَهم، وسلِّم تسليمًا كثيرًا.

  2. #2
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2024

    افتراضي رد: الله لطيف بعباده.. عبادة الشكوى وماذا يخبئ لنا القدر!

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Abu Walid Al-Buhairi مشاهدة المشاركة
    Allah is kind to His servants.. The worship of complaint and what does fate have in store for us!
    Hassan Abdel-Hayy

    Praise be to Allah, our Master, and prayers and peace be upon our Chosen One.

    And after:
    Allah is kind to His servants:
    Allah - the Most High - said: {No vision can grasp Him, but He grasps all vision} [Al-An`am: 103], and He - the Most High - said: {Does He not know who created, while?} [Al-Mulk: 14], and He - the Most High - said: {Indeed, my Lord is Subtle to whom He wills. Indeed, it is He who is the Knowing, the Wise.} [Yusuf: 100].

    It was said: Al-Lateef is: The One who is kind to His servants, who is kind to them from where they do not know, and brings about their interests from where they do not expect.
    It was also said: Al-Lateef is: The One who conveys to you your desire - that is, your need - in kindness.

    Manifestations of Allah’s kindness to His servants:
    Among the manifestations of His kindness - the Most High - are:
    His kindness to His friends until they recognize Him, and His kindness to His enemies when they deny Him.
    His kindness in spreading virtues, and His kindness in covering up faults.
    His kindness in accepting little, and giving abundantly.
    His kindness in having mercy on those who do not have mercy on themselves.

    Seeing kindness:
    No one sees Allah’s kindness to him except the one who looks well at His wisdom and what He - the Most High - has decreed. He - may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him - said: ((By the One in Whose Hand is my soul, Allah does not decree for a believer a decree except that it is good for him)); narrated by Ahmad and authenticated by Al-Albani, and its wording in Muslim is: ((Amazing is the affair of the believer, for all his affair is good for him)).

    Sheikh Al-Islam and the vision of kindness:
    Sheikh Al-Islam - may Allah have mercy on him - said: Everyone who agrees with the Messenger - may Allah bless him and grant him peace - in his matter has a share of his saying: {Do not grieve, indeed Allah is with us} [At-Tawbah: 40]; for the companionship that includes victory is for what he brought until the Day of Resurrection, and the Qur’an has indicated this, and we have seen and experienced what would take too long to describe; end quote.

    And this statement was included by him - may Allah have mercy on him - in his letter to his companions from the prison in Alexandria! He began by saying: “I - by God the Almighty, there is no god but Him - am in blessings from God the likes of which I have never seen in my entire life. God - Glory be to Him - has opened the doors of His grace and blessings, and the treasures of His goodness and mercy, which were not in the mind nor did they occur to the imagination. This, and some of them are known by taste by those who have a share in knowing God, His Oneness, and the truths of faith, and what is required of the first and the last of knowledge and faith. For pleasure, joy, happiness, good times, and bliss that cannot be expressed, are only in knowing God - Glory be to Him - and His Oneness and faith in Him, and the opening of the truths of faith and Qur’anic knowledge. Some of the sheikhs said: “I was in a state in which I said: If the people of Paradise are in this state, then they are in a good life.” Another said: “There are times when the heart dances with joy, and there is nothing in this world that…” It is similar to the bliss of the Hereafter, except for the bliss of faith and knowledge.” This is why the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, used to say: “Relieve us with prayer, O Bilal,” and he did not say: “Relieve us from it,” as someone who finds prayer difficult would say. As God Almighty said: “And indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive.” ﴾ [Al-Baqarah: 45] And humility is submission to Allah - the Most High - and tranquility and reassurance to Him with the heart and limbs. The Prophet - may Allah bless him and grant him peace - used to say: ((I have been made beloved to women and perfume from your worldly life)), then he would say: ((And the delight of my eyes has been made in prayer))... until he said - may Allah have mercy on him -: And the hearts have no joy or complete pleasure except in loving Allah and drawing closer to Him with what He loves, and His love is only by turning away from everything beloved other than Him, and this is the truth of there is no god but Allah, and it is the religion of Abraham the Friend - peace be upon him - and all the prophets and messengers - may Allah’s prayers be upon them all”; end quote. (See: Rasa’il Shaykh al-Islam fi Majmoo’ al-Fatawa).

    His student Ibn al-Qayyim - may Allah have mercy on him - said about him in “al-Waabil al-Sayyib”: I heard Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah - may Allah sanctify his soul - say: There is a paradise in this world. Whoever does not enter it will not enter the Paradise of the Hereafter. He once said to me: What can my enemies do to me? My Paradise and my garden are in my chest. If I go, it is with me and will not leave me. My imprisonment is seclusion, my killing is martyrdom, and my expulsion from my country is a tour. He used to say in his imprisonment in the castle: If I were to give this castle full of gold, it would not be equal to my gratitude for this blessing. Or he said: I would not reward them for the good they caused me, and the like. He used to say in his prostration while he was imprisoned: O Allah, help me to remember You, thank You, and worship You properly, as Allah wills. He once said to me: The imprisoned is the one whose heart imprisons him from his Lord - the Most High - and the captive is the one who is captive to his desires. When he entered the castle and was inside its walls, he looked at it and said: “So a wall will be placed between them, with a door inside it, wherein is mercy.” And the punishment is on its face. ” [Al-Hadid: 13] And God knows that I have never seen anyone live a better life than him, despite all the hardships of life and the lack of luxury and comfort that he had. Rather, it was the opposite, and despite the threat and exhaustion he was in, he was still one of the most pleasant people to live in, the most cheerful, the strongest of hearts, and the most cheerful of souls. The freshness of bliss would appear on his face. Whenever fear became intense for us, suspicions became bad, and the earth became narrow for us, we would come to him. It was only when we saw him and heard his words that all of that would go away and be transformed into relief and strength, certainty and reassurance. Glory be to He who made His servants witness His Paradise before meeting Him, and opened its doors to them in the house of work, and gave them from its spirit, breeze, and goodness what exhausted their strength to seek it and compete for it.

    Some of the gnostics used to say: “If kings and kings’ sons knew what we are in (of happiness), they would fight us for it with swords.” Another said: “The poor people of this world left it without tasting the best of what is in it.” It was said: “And what is the best of what is in it?” He said: “Loving God, knowing Him, and remembering Him, or something like that.” End quote.
    May God reward them and grant them their reward.

    The worship of complaining between abandonment and negligence:
    Yes, complaining to God - the Mighty and Sublime - is the worship of the afflicted, the distressed, the miserable, and the sad. Allah - the Almighty - said on the tongue of His Prophet Jacob - peace be upon him -: { I only complain of my suffering and my grief to Allah } [Yusuf: 86], and He said about His Prophet Moses - peace be upon him -: { My Lord, indeed I am, for whatever good You may send down to me, in need } [Al-Qasas: 24], and He said about Noah - peace be upon him -: { My Lord, indeed I have called upon my people night and day } [Noah: 5], and He said about Job - peace be upon him -: {Indeed , distress has touched me, and You are the Most Merciful of the merciful . (Al-Anbiya: 83). And the Master of the Children of Adam will say on the Day of Resurrection - may God bless him and grant him peace -: ((O God, to You I complain of my weakness, my lack of resources, and my insignificance among people...)); (Narrated by Al-Tabarani, and Al-Albani declared it weak. Ibn Al-Qayyim said: Upon him is the light of prophethood).

    Ibn al-Qayyim - may Allah have mercy on him - said in his book “ Uddat al-Sabireen ”: Complaining to Him - Glory be to Him - does not contradict beautiful patience. Rather, His servant’s turning away from complaining to anyone else in general, and making the complaint to Him alone is patience. Allah - the Most High - tests His servant to hear his complaint, supplication, and prayer. He - Glory be to Him - has condemned those who do not supplicate to Him. He - the Most High - hates those who complain about Him to His creation, and loves those who complain about what they are suffering from to Him. It was said to some of them: How do you complain to Him about what is not hidden from Him? He said: My Lord is pleased with the servant’s humility before Him. End quote. What does fate have in store for

    This one was born, this one got sick, and this one died. What does fate have in store for us? The more I ponder this question, the easier it becomes for me to bear many things, and the more I become poorer. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) stated this when he said: “I am the Messenger of Allah, and I do not know what will be done with me - or he said: what Allah will do with me!”

    Oh Allah! The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) only speaks the truth, and he says: “I do not know.” Despite this - and with shyness - we hope for good and have good thoughts about the Lord who says: “I am as My servant thinks I am...” A Lord who admitted a prostitute to Paradise because she gave a dog water to drink. A Lord who is pleased when His servant eats a meal and thanks Him for it, and drinks a drink and thanks Him for it. Doesn’t this console us? Why not? We love Him, we follow the path of His Prophet, and we strive to raise His word. These are words that I wanted to comfort myself and you with in the time of patience. This is how the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, called it in his saying: “There is a time of patience ahead of you, and the one who holds fast to it will have the reward of fifty martyrs from among you.” (Narrated by Al-Tabarani, and authenticated by Al-Albani).

    Yes, it is a time of grasping hot coals and wishing for death. All praise is due to

    Allah, our Lord .
    Our Lord , indeed we have wronged ourselves with much and great wrong. And indeed, none forgives sins except You. Our Lord, forgive us with forgiveness from You and have mercy upon us. Indeed, You are the Forgiving, the Merciful. Our Lord, grant us mercy from Yourself and facilitate for us in our affair right guidance. O Allah, O Guardian of Islam and its people, keep us firm in Islam until we meet You. Our Lord, strengthen our hearts and let us die as Muslims. Amen, amen, amen.

    And may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon the one sent as a mercy to the worlds, our Prophet Muhammad, and upon his family and companions, and those who follow them, and grant them peace in abundance.

    رحمة الله واسعة على عباده، وهي تظهر في رحمته التي تشمل كل شيء. لا يمكن لأحد أن يرى هذه الرحمة إلا إذا نظر إلى حكمته وما قدره لنا. كل أمر للمؤمن هو خير، حتى وإن بدا لنا غير ذلك. في كل حال، يجب أن نرى لطف الله في كل شيء يحدث، حتى في أصعب اللحظات. كما قال شيخ الإسلام، في لحظات الإيمان بالله وعبادته، نجد السعادة الحقيقية التي لا يمكننا أن نجدها في شيء آخر.

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